Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sunday Lessons

Sunday mornings I teach the "littles" at our church. Sunita comes sometimes, but it's for our 3-6 year olds. (Okay, of which there are two)

I thought I'd like to share my lessons, to keep them on file, and if you find inspiration you can adapt them too.

 For the first month we studied Abraham for 4 weeks. The first lesson was Abraham's call to move.
 We learned A was for Abraham and for Apple.
We learned a verse with pictures "I will follow you whever you go."
 We made tents and put stickers of Abraham and Sarah inside.
We colored pictures too, and in all, went over the story 4 times. We also "packed" a suitcase of things to "move" with and pulled it around the classroom.

Every week we start by measuring our height on a growth chart and singing "Read your Bible pray every day and you'll grow, grow, grow..."

Then we try and close with another song that is our memory verse, Psalm 34:12-14.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks. neat tent idea


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